Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 6: Reading

I'm not that much of a reader.  I hated it growing up because of school -- being forced to do much of anything was never really by thang.  (and yes, I meant to type read that right!)  I remember vividly telling my Language Arts teacher that I would MUCH rather write a book than read one.  I think I BS'd through every single book report.  The ONLY book I read was because Mr. Barber started reading it in class out loud (slightly inappropriate looking back at it, but I so very much enjoyed it) was The Catcher in the Rye.  I've read it several times since and the book constantly morphs for me - always meaning something different.  Now, I still am being semi-forced to read since I'm back in school, so I don't have much time for leisure filled days of reading.  (Yet, somehow I did manage to read the 50 Shades of Grey series....but that is much more about my insatiable sex drive than my ability to read...wait, really, what are we talking about?)

All of that child LOVES to read.  I mean he really really really does.  Sure, it may have been perpetuated by being told to do so for school, but it has taken off.  We are always looking for new suggestions.  He brings his books with him wherever we go.  He reads in the car, in the store, at appointments, in his room, on the couch, on the trampoline ....and sometimes even on his brother. 

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