Thursday, November 3, 2011

DAY ONE: A picture of yourself with at least 10 facts

I been blogger-dared to see if I could post 30 days of pictures....I've already been sent the prompts... I can't say I'll post 30 days in a row -- but I can say I'll do my best.

1. My name is Kristen Ruth (after my paternal grandmother whom I never met because she died of a major stroke when my father was only 16.)
2. This picture encompasses several of my greatest loves: feeling peaceful, the ocean, Mexico, a cold beer, flip flops and jeans (and not necessarily in that order)
3. I swam with the dolphins when I was 30 years old. When I opened the gift I cried - big huge alligator tears, only these were beautiful, grateful dolphin tears.
4. I have 2 twin brothers and 2 sisters. I am the baby of the family.
5. My sister is my very best friend
6. My favorite number is
7. I have never seen an entire Star Wars, Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings
8. My father died August 16, 2007 -- the single hardest thing I've been through, followed closely by having miscarriages
9. I am a fierce mama bear and I will stomp on anyone who hurts my children -- I feel sorry for their first heart breaker...I'll take no mercy - there will be no survivors.
10. I have 3 dogs (Scout, Piper, Halo), a tortoise (Spike), a hamster (Banana) and several unnamed's not that they are loved less necessarily, they just don't have names. I gotta get on that.

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