Thursday, April 5, 2012

Brace Face! Tin Grin! Metal Mouth! Train Tracks!

Just got back from Dane's consultation -- eeegads...

So I made an appt for the 26th...

and emailed Sunshine about money.

(I proposed that he pay the entire monthly payment and start hacking away at his child support arrears. We'll see how that goes over.)

My baby -- in BRACES?

And worse yet...when I was filling out the health history checklist, Dane was watching over my shoulder... He's a healthy tyke, so I'm on a roll checking "no" "no" "no" and one of the questions was, "Has the patient reached puberty?" I check NO.... and Dane clears his throat and says....

"Uh, Mom?" with this smile like I was clearly missing out on the obvious.

My baby -- in PUBERTY?


1 comment:

  1. hahahahah! JUST YOU WAIT!!! I can't even type i am laughing so hard........ just imagine my kid..........
