Friday, October 22, 2010

In hopes of returning to my early blog days...

Back in the day, I would write about 3 things that I was grateful for or appreciated in one way or the other. It was a great way to remember the little things and helped me stay positive. The kind of things that, in the middle of "life," seem to get dismissed. So, just like "Michael Finnigan," I will "begin again...."

1. My boys. Dear sweet chitlins of mine. I have no idea how I created such beautiful perfect creatures (OK, maybe not PERFECT, but close enough) There have been several rough patches in their young lives -- but they grace this world with acceptance and a sort of calm that I imagine only a child can feel. They simply roll with the punches. I am so grateful that they have each other too -- comrades of sorts -- it's a bond that I adore. I got their report cards yesterday. Dane got straight A's (he even got two A+s!!!) The fifth grade curriculum is challenging, but he masters it. Cole's grades are different (not the traditional A,B,C...) but he got perfect grades as well. More importantly, they both got all Es for behavior...that's excellent, people. And these children came out of MY body!? :-)

2. Overcast skies. There is just something about the smell of rain in the air. I woke up this morning and opened up the house. The cool fall air is blowing thru - I am listening to music and simply enjoying the day. I suppose it is because I live in Arizona and don't see the clouds very often. I simply love the smell of desert rain. That, and I look much better in jeans and a hoodie than a bathing suit. :)

3. Paychecks. I know that sounds a bit trite and shallow -- however after years of struggling with money, it's nice to actually see a check worth writing home about. :) I finally have a little wiggle room. I got to take the boys out to dinner last night. It's been a long time coming. That paycheck represents years of hard work and landing a job I love. It also helps me know that it was all worth it. My kids deserve a treat -- and I can give it to them! Me, myself and I. cha-ching!

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