This is my sister, Kerry. I absolutely don't know what I would do without her. Let me just say...well...we have always just been close. I remember playing with her as a little girl and thinking the world of her. We use to bed to sleep in the same room together and I'm not ashamed to say that we cuddled. (I won't tell them you were afraid of the dark...and thunderstorms.) As she grew older (I guess I did too, but it didn't feel like it,) she became tired of her little sister following her around everywhere. But, I did anyway (she's part of the reason I'm as persistent as I am today.) She quickly found a best friend in Mary -- and I quickly adopted Mary as my own sister as well. I just loved their friendship (still do!) I have so many memories...it's too hard to pick a few. But I will try. We grew into very different teenagers. I was a freshman when she was a senior. I didn't play volleyball because she was too good. I went my own direction. I still craved her acceptance, but I grew quickly into ditching school and joining a party crowd. She was very vocal about her disapproval. I hated that she didn't like me. Yet there she was, at every game and at diving meets. She was my sponsor when I got confirmed as "John." Mary and Kerry once called me ("their" baby sister) when Kerry drank too much New Years Eve. And then we shared a wine cooler when I graduated, and then we moved on. She went away to U of A. I made her a "goodbye" CD. I don't think I've ever cried so hard when we drove away (well, except when we left her at choir camp when I was in grade school.) I visited often and eventually we picked up where we left off -- me a freshman and she was a senior away at college. She was my sister, my best friend and kind of a mom away from home (that would buy me alcohol.) We had 90210/
Melrose nights and sleep overs when the dorm was too much. She rolled her eyes at me when I'd kiss her friends. She disapproved of Sunshine but grew to love him. She cheered me on when I never thought I'd graduate (she didn't think I would either, I've come to find out.) Then she moved to Massachussetts and met the love her life...that I got to disapprove of...yet grow to love. She was at my graduation from U of A and one of the first to visit in Green Bay. We were engaged close to the same time...and front and center at each other's weddings (firewater!) She let me bawl on the phone for hours after the miscarriage and I still have her card saying she hurt too. (And subsequently every lost pregnancy...hers and all of mine...we were back on that damn phone.) We sent pictures of positive pregnancy tests and prayed and hoped together. After I had Dane, she was right there (she just wanted my maternity clothes, I think.) and she helped me move back to AZ (and subsequently move, move, move and move again.) Our families blended. We are both our kids Godmothers -- and our husbands were fast friends. Our kids will forever think "cousins" are just brothers that live a mile or so away. She teaches at my boys school -- (in fact, she has oldest for Social Studies this year.) We would go out all the time -- happy hours --
bunco -- girls trips. Our girlfriends really became "our girlfriends." We would tease how she was solid, stable and virtually boring as hell...and I was crazy, spontaneous and virtually unstable. Tough times hit. Dad died. It was brutally painful for the both of us. A deception of a trusted friend added to the confusion...for both of us. Yet, Kerry was there. I literally lost my world and there she was -- holding me together somehow...crying for me when the tears were dry, laughing at my boogers and panic attacks when they were plentiful. Truth is, we both suffered a divorce when Sunshine and I split. Our families suffered. I lost a lot of respect in her eyes for several years there, but she was consistently there...late night phone calls of late night
escapades or sob filled
SOS's. She always answers the phone (even if it might cause her a divorce...sorry Trav) She was my cheerleader through nursing school (making me always feel a bit guilty I didn't cheer her on throughout her schooling to get her Masters degree.) And, her husband, well...I've grown to absolutely adore him and hold their relationship and his dedication on a pedestal. He is one of the closest people in my life (even wish there were a couple secrets Kerry could keep.) And her boys are absolutely as much my pride and joy as my own. We attend their football games, and she comes to ours. Our boys do things like student council, running club, talent shows, and beat each other up together. She just makes sense out of things. Happy hours with her are still my favorite. The peace I feel inside knowing she's at the boys school is perfect. Girls weekends (unless she's running over my toes or locking me in the car) are always absoltuely hilarious! Turns out Kerry's a lot like my mom -- strong, faithful...in her relationship and in ours. I just couldn't have made it through all the crap...or had so much fun with all the celebrations!
Kerry Ann Kathleen (so apropo, by the way).... I love you. You are my very very best friend. There is no one that will ever replace you in my life. You are a beautiful person, a trustworthy friend, an awesome mom, a loving wife, a perfect aunt and honestly the best best sister and BFF I could ever ask for.
(now can I please join the pony tail on top of your head and white lipstick club?)
Amazing... I am lucky to have a sister like you, too. I "ground" you.... You have taught me to let go and "fly".. Love you...