I really don't know what it is about the damn snooze button, but it really pisses me the fuck off. I don't use it. I am tempted to say I hate anyone that does. (And my husband does, which is quite possibly the most annoying thing because I don't have to get up AT ALL, yet there I sit....*alarm blaring* snooze...and I sit in awful anticipation knowing I can't go back to sleep yet because in five fucking minutes that damn thing will be BLARING again! UGH! So he gets kicked -- literally -- out of bed by my moaning groaning pissy morning self...) Look, I am not in hatred of the snooze button because I am some "happy go lucky, go and gettem" kind of people...(I am not)....however, nothing bothers me more than interrupted sleep. How do you avoid interrupted sleep? GET UP WHEN YOU WAKE UP...which, cut and dry, means: when the alarm (THAT YOU SET) goes off (AT THE TIME YOU SET IT FOR,) get the hell up and start your day.
Off my soap box....thank you, thank you very much (of cooooourse, that was in my Elvis voice, silly!!!)
YES! Me too!