Yes, day to day, I am shocked. Mostly, however, it's on a smaller, uh bigger, albeit, different scale.
Human nature.
How do relationships work and fail?
How do people change so drastically or, flip that, how can some people stay the same (*shutter*)?
How does one person find out she has terminal cancer and praise God in laughter for the life she's living and one person tries to take his own life stating that his car broke down, his girlfriend was late and his Mom "just doesn't understand" (simply because she tried to cheer him up.)?
How can people call themselves your friend and then run for the hills, snickering and gossiping along the way, at the first sign of strife?
How can people claim they have religion in their heart, yet turn their back in condemnation, roll their eyes in judgement and feel superior over somebody else?
I'm sure I've been shocked many times in my life -- but I've never noticed it so much since 2007. My divorce. My dad's death. My loss of house, job, money, friends. My mental breakdown. I'd like to attribute it to a personal growth. But I really think it was more of starting over at rock bottom.
Imagine if you will being at the top of a very very tall mountain -- above the clouds. You can see clearly for miles and the air is crisp...You are aware that people know you are up there and you feel that they all want to be by your side. But only you know that you were just placed there by a helicopter....very cool, but you really haven't done a thing to get there. The admiration of many is really a farce in your eyes. It's lonely and you feel like a fake. You know there is a beautiful town that lies below, a warm community, lively artwork and colors, laughter but you can't see past the clouds. You *want* to be below and see below but it's far too scary to climb down. You are going to have to wait to be rescued -- or you will have to fall.
Then change the're at the bottom of the same mountain, embracing and living in the world that envelopes you. You know every bit of what got you's your life, your story. There is love and laughter in a quaint town and happy home. You have this fantastic view of this incredible mountain that you treasure. You can see the top, see the clouds scattered in the sky but have no desire to make the climb. "That's for someone else...some other time." You love your life where you real estate.

**SNAP! Just was in an intense metaphoric daydream!**
Try to keep up, or don't....but it made perfect sense to me....
No matter what mountain we decide to climb as long as we have friends like each other we will make it through.
ReplyDeleteI have started over from the bottom I don't know how many times and eventually make it half way but never to the top. I always find myself seeing others going up the mountain but never myself, why is that? If only I could put as much effort into myself as I do for others...
Ok maybe I'm getting in too deep but I swear I am always going to make it to the top but never seems to quite happen.
But the the little happy town you talk of I guess that is why I always stay grounded...Guess I am content on staying in the quiet happy town (my children and kent) and never facing the struggles of making it to the top of the mountain
Ok enough said now I am rambling and not making any sense :)