Thursday, May 31, 2012


The boys each have a friend over and my nephews are here too -- 6 boys...they've eaten, played and now are watching tv together. 


All that means that I have free time!  So I'm sitting here looking up the recent actions on the Arizona Medical Board.  (I have odd pastimes, I'm aware of this.)  Most of them are pretty minor, in my opinion.... but this one made me laugh or choke...or well, shake my head...  Check this out!  

Basically, his divorce, particularly his EX is perhaps worse than mine.

The way I see it going down -- they met -- she loved the money, then she loved the perks and ended up loving her meds.  Guessing ole' Dr. Hecht cheated on her and in the midst of the worst divorce in history, stupid psycho ex-wife pulls out all the low blows and rats out her ex-husband.  It turns out he was prescribing her pain meds the whole time under her maiden name and NOW she thinks it's unethical.

What a bitch.

Anyway, the doc managed to skate away with a letter of reprimand...

That's a win in my book.

And I'm guessing the divorce is finalized by now.

That's a win/win in my book.     :)  

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Surprise! Another Welcome Home Wednesday brings me to my keyboard...

Last day of 6th grade

1st day of Kindergarten

What a couple of weeks!  Our lives are pretty busy -- always full of fun and love.  It's the end of the school year which has me reminiscing about earlier days.  I read my blog about Dane's first day of kindergarten the other day:  Dane's in Kindergarten...  (that's a clickable link)  it's on my previous blog -- Striving to be Erma.  I love and hate that blog.  There are so many memories...I've been bloggin quite a while...but it ended up being terribly depressing and hateful due to the very sad condition I was in at the time...and the blog had to be changed (a modern version of the page had to be turned) for me to grow..... and it made me cry.  I know, I know...I cry a lot.  But the pictures....the memories...such a happy place.  And, the acknowledgement that so much has changed.  My son has been through so much.  His Grandpa's death, his parents divorced, both parent's have remarried, he has a step-dad and a step-mom (and step brothers) and he's moved 4 times....yet school has always been consistent.  And, you know what?  My boy thrived.  Better than that....he conquered school -- great grades...great friends....  So, now he's moving on to Junior High -- and I can hardly breathe.  I'm proud of my boy.  I know he is a one of a kind kid.  He will be fine.  I'm pretty sure that I will be too...but I miss being so needed in his world.  Yet, I want him to grow...and learn...and fly. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I'm not bragging.

I'm basking.

Here's the thing:  It happens, people.  True happiness? -- amidst difficuties and hard work...when you look's here.

I was called jaded today.

Jaded:  The end result of having a steady flow of negative experiences, disappointment, and unfulfillment fed into a person where they get to the point where their anger circuits just sort of burn out and they accept disillusionment.

Perhaps I am....perhaps I welcome disillusionment...or rather, maybe it's living in the moment.

Smart enough to realize the other shoe will drop...days will be tough again...

but wise enough to realize today is NOT a bleak day.  Today is beautiful and wonderful.  Today my heart sings and love is abundant.  I have a fantastic relationship with my husband.  My children come home today.  My family is healthy.  My job is stable and dignified.  My spirit is soaring. My confidence is overflowing.  There is money in the bank and a vacation on the horizon.  My friends are loyal and my laughter is frequent.

So sure, I will see dark days -- I've seen them before -- and come out of it to see today.  And BECAUSE of that sadness, difficulty and depression...I will LOVE today.

Jaded...of course...smarter, wiser...and more appreciative of today.

I'll take it.  :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dane Patrick -- I love you.

My first born got braces today.

Big whoop-dee-do, huh?

For some reason, it was.

Somehow before my eyes, this child has really blossomed into a most beautiful spirit and I am honored to be able to watch the progression.

Dane has always been a good kid.  His energy, even as a baby, was truly inspiring (not as exhausting as his brothers).  His inquisition and curiosity were blended perfectly with a general wit, a toddler "street-smart" sense, if you will.  I call him an "old soul" because he simply is.  He has a sense of compassion and empathy that you just can't teach.  It's the kind of peaceful patience and understanding that is usually earned through years of hard lessons, painful mistakes and life's setbacks.  But, this kid just has fact, he has always had it.

Today, he is an honest, good natured, kind, smart, athletic, talented, beautiful, well-behaved sixth-grade pre-teen.  That almost sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?  Well, not for Dane.

Dane is a star-student.  He has won the Terrific Kid Award at his school.  He is a straight-A student (who even GETS A+s in Science).  He loves to learn -- is passionate about reading.  This kid really does it all -- Student Council, Running Club, Talent Shows, Band, Honor Band, Football, Guitar, Clarinet, Millionaire Club, I could go on and on.  But, what is so super special about this kid (other than the fact that he is mine) that he is delicately emotional.  I don't mean that he is a ticking time bomb or an emotional roller-coaster,  but this kid FEELS.  His heart is pure...and golden.  He gets upset when he thinks he has let us down -- a bad test score or stern mom-discipline can make his gorgeous dark brown bambi eyes tear up.  He is fiercely competitive, but with amazing character and sportsmanship.  He was a star on his football team, but always credited his blockers and his quarterback.  He was so proud of himself when he made honor band playing the bass clarinet.  It's the kind of passion a parent dreams they will see in their child.  He is witty and his sense of humor is dry and quick.  He keeps up with the adult conversations (sometimes too well).    And, he's helpful.  He helps his brother with his homework and with his football moves (and with is bloody noses, too.)  He is kind to other kids his age.  And, he loves and helps his "Mama"  (I have no idea when or why he started calling me that...but he does.)  I've said before...and I'll say it again...Dane helped me through the hardest times by being there...hugging me...holding my hand...sometimes...with just a look.
We just found out that he has won the Outstanding Superintendent Citizenship Award for the district.  It's an unbelievable honor that shows other people see his leadership, integrity, kindness, dependability, intelligence and worth.  We will be honoring him and watching him receive the award on the evening of May 16.

Today, as I was driving him to the orthodontist to get his braces, we were laughing and singing.  He had a nervous energy.  Mid boy reaches over and intertwines his fingers in mine (yep, he sits in the front when it's just us.)  We drove the rest of the way -- hand in hand.  As he got on the chair, the orthodontist came over and Dane jumped up, faced him and shook his hand.  I was proud of his respect.  Then, minutes later, as I watched him....with his hands sweetly in his lap and huge feet crossed (showing the hole in his toe)...I actually had a flashback of his life. I stared at him.  A boy...growing up so fast...a blessing in this world...

...and I cried. 

That damn Irish heart just did me in... 

I'm proud of my boy.  I love him.  I'm honored to watch him grow.  He is already my dream come true and I cannot wait to see how his future unfolds....and even when I call him Brace Face....Tin Grin...Metal Mouth... :)

He feels my love in that old soul of his.

He knows.